Goal and Performance

Our objectives for the circular economy at Charoen Pokphand Group are to achieve zero food waste, zero food loss, and to promote recyclable plastic packaging. We are committed to applying cutting-edge tactics throughout our supply chain to reduce food loss and waste and make sure that priceless resources are used effectively and sustainably. In addition, we're dedicated to creating and utilizing recyclable plastic packaging materials, minimizing single-use plastics, and supporting closed-loop systems that keep plastic in use and out of landfills and the oceans in order to promote a cleaner and greener environment. These objectives are consistent with our overarching vision, which is to develop an ethical and generative business model that promotes environmental stewardship and a circular economy.

Zero Food Waste to Landfill

Zero Waste to Landfill

All plastic packaging is recyclable, reusable, or compostable.

Supporting the SDGs

Charoen Pokphand Group's commitment to achieving zero food waste, zero food loss, and to promoting recyclable plastic packaging support the achievement of two Sustainable Development Goals

More Details on Sustainable Development Goals Report 2022

Stakeholders Directly Impacted

Charoen Pokphand Group performs stakeholder assessment and prioritization process on an annual basis to evaluate impacts we have on them and how can they influence our strategies and actions over time. In 2022, the evaluation results showed that our commitment to reducing waste creates impacts on seven stakeholder groups

More Details on Stakeholder Engagement Report 2022

Our Impact by the Numbers


Recyclable, Reusable and Compostable Plastics

thousand tons

of total waste generated


of take back systems

thousand tons

of food loss and food waste generated

Circular Economy Management Approach

Charoen Pokphand Group, where sustainability and innovation converge to pave the way for a Better Tomorrow, understands that traditional linear models of production and consumption are not sustainable in the long run. That's why we have embraced the circular economy management approach as the core philosophy driving our operations. Our commitment to this revolutionary concept ensures that we minimize waste, maximize resource efficiency, and create a positive impact on the environment and society.

Traditional linear modes of production and consumption are not long-term viable, according to Charoen Pokphand Group, where sustainability and innovation intersect to pave the road for a Better Tomorrow. We have adopted the circular economy management strategy as the central tenet guiding our operations because of this. Our dedication to this ground-breaking idea guarantees that we reduce waste, increase resource efficiency, and have a good influence on society and the environment.

Moreover, we have a circular economy policy commitment, which stands as a testament to our dedication to sustainability and responsible business practices. Our policy encompasses a holistic and integrated approach to drive circularity across all aspects of our operations. We have set ambitious targets to achieve a significant reduction in our waste generation, increase the percentage of recycled materials used in our products, and promote the circular design of our offerings.

Through rigorous research and collaboration with industry experts and environmental organizations, we have developed a comprehensive roadmap that outlines our circular economy objectives and the measures we will take to accomplish them. Our policy emphasizes the importance of fostering a circular mindset within our organization and among our partners, suppliers, and customers.

9Rs Principle

Guiding Principle
Reduce by Design

Maximizing product efficiency through designs that reduce the use of resources and energy.

User to User

Refusing the use of substances or materials that are not environmentally friendly; buyers can choose to purchase or use less products in order to transition to a more sustainable way of life.


Reusing to extend service life


Reducing resource consumption / use, and waste generation.

User to Business

Repairing damaged items to regain their use


Restoring and refurbishing products to meet required quality standard for reuse.


Using parts of discarded product in a new product with the same function.

Business to Business

Reusing a product or its parts in new products with a different function.


Processing into new products.

Assessment of Risks & Opportunities to Transition to Circular Economy

The circular economy journey of Charoen Pokphand Group is propelled by a deep comprehension of the challenges and opportunities it offers. Embracing the principles of "9Rs” we are determined to transition to a circular economy management approach that will reshape the way we do business. We understand the difficulties that lay ahead while excitedly grabbing the numerous opportunities that are available to us in our effort.

Circular Economy Framework

Plastic Management

The Charoen Pokphand Group is aware of the serious environmental issues that plastic waste and its effects on our ecosystems present. Our thorough strategy underlines our commitment to building a more sustainable future, and we are dedicated to setting the standard for plastic management. Reducing, recycling, and innovating are the three main pillars of our plastic management strategy. Reducing the usage of single-use plastics throughout our business and supply chain is our top priority. In addition to supporting eco-friendly packaging and pressuring our suppliers to use sustainable materials, we actively look for alternatives to single-use plastics.

A crucial part of our plastic management approach is recycling. We make an effort to properly process and recycle as much of the plastic trash produced within our facilities as possible to keep it out of landfills and away from the environment. In order to assist effective recycling activities, we also actively cooperate with industry partners and waste management companies.

Innovation is what motivates our attempts to handle plastic. We make investments in R&D to investigate cutting-edge technologies that allow us to develop recyclable and biodegradable substitutes for traditional plastics. By adopting cutting-edge approaches, we hope to reduce plastic pollution and open the door to a circular economy where plastics are utilized sustainably and ethically.

Sustainable Plastic Packaging Management

Charoen Pokphand Group recognizes the urgency of the plastic waste pollution crisis and the need to significantly reduce the production and consumption of plastic, including single-use plastic packaging, both domestically and overseas.

The Group has demonstrated our determination to operate with responsibility for product life cycle and environmental impacts. Additionally, the Group is committed to reducing plastic packaging and aims to establish an action plan to eliminate single-use plastic packaging. The Group further attaches importance to a sustainable distribution system and communicates to the public about the benefits of reducing, reusing and transforming single-use plastic as well as its costs.

1. Transparent and Verifiable

The Group annually discloses information on the quantity and type of plastic used, reused, recycled, reduced and disposed of in the Group’s Sustainability Report. We also require the verification of the disclosed information by an independent third-party auditor.

2. Plastic Reduction Policy and Transition Plan

The Group has implemented the “Sustainable Packaging” Policy since 2018 to determine the direction and framework for plastic management throughout the value chain by requiring all business groups around the world to set a common goal for 2025 to ensure that 100% of plastic packaging are “reusable, recyclable and compostable”.

3. Reduce, Avoid, Eliminate Single-use Plastic

The Group has expressed our commitment to eliminate the use of plastic and chemicals that cause problems to the health and environment, including non-recyclable plastic. We have also been exploring other alternative and natural materials that can replace single-use plastic.

4. Invest in Reuse Systems and New Product Distribution Systems

The Group encourages investment in R&D of product distribution innovations that are socially and environmentally responsible with no single-use plastic and emphasizes on reutilization. The Group has supported and provided technical cooperation to the Thailand National Metal and Materials Technology Center (MTEC) to enhance the development of food packaging innovation that is safe for consumers.

5. Extended Producer Responsibility

The Group supports and promotes the EPR (Extended Producer Responsibility) principle to extend the producer’s scope of responsibility and expand the network of responsibility for managing and recycling post-consumer packaging waste. Our business groups have collaborated with the Thai Institute of Packaging and Recycling Management for Sustainable Environment (TIPMSE) under the Federation of Thai Industries (FTI) through the PackBack Network, which collects and reintroduces packaging into a sustainable processing system. Furthermore, we also promote separation and collection of plastic packaging for recycling through the hypermarket business.

6. Promoting Product Life Cycle

The Group places importance on the source of materials, production, transportation and distribution through to the end of the product life cycle (LCA: Life Cycle Assessment) to assess potentials and identify opportunities of improvement which requires cooperation with plastic resin producers (upstream), converter manufacturers (midstream) and end-users (downstream) to sustainably manage a product’s life cycle.

7. Cooperation with Relevant Sectors

The Group has supported and cooperated with all sectors to define packaging design standards that enable reutilization and eliminate the use of plastic packaging that causes environmental impact.

8. Raising Customer and Public Awareness

The Group recognizes the importance to promote and support awareness raising efforts to engage customers and the public in solving the problem of single-use plastic packaging by reducing, avoiding and eliminating its use, as well as opting for alternative materials and transforming plastic for various forms of reutilization.

9. Plastic Scrap and Microplastic

The Group places importance on tackling the problem of plastic waste throughout the supply chain by collecting data on plastic scrap quantity while sorting and transforming the plastic scraps. We have also worked to enable microplastic detection in the production process in order to prevent plastic contamination in water, air and soil.

10. Supporting Waste Reduction Policies and Regulations

The Group has a policy to not support and eliminate the use of plastic packaging and single-use plastic. At the same time, we encourage relevant stakeholders to reduce, avoid and eliminate plastic packaging in accordance with the government’s policy on plastic waste management. We have also campaigned to reduce, collect and store plastic to prevent widespread pollution from plastic waste.

Plastic Management Progress

  • Target and progress for plastic waste reduction along the value chain
  • Target and progress to meet sustainable packaging along operations

All plastic packaging is recyclable, reusable, or compostable.

Plastic Packaging Usage Trend

(thousand tons)

Promoting Sustainable Packaging

Our commitment to reducing plastic waste and promoting sustainable packaging is reflected in the concrete steps we have taken to create a greener and cleaner future. We understand the urgency of addressing plastic pollution and its adverse impact on the environment, and that's why we have implemented a range of initiatives to tackle this pressing issue.

Firstly, we have adopted a proactive approach to lightweight our packaging materials without compromising on quality and safety. We decrease the overall plastic footprint of our packaging by utilizing less material, resulting in less waste being produced over the course of the product's lifecycle. Our design teams also give eco-friendly materials first priority, ensuring that our packaging is simple to recycle or compost.

Secondly, we are committed to closing the loop on plastic by increasing the use of recycled materials in our packaging. We promote the need for post-consumer trash and the circular economy by finding high-quality recycled plastics, which lessens the need for virgin plastic manufacture and its negative environmental effects.

Thirdly, as part of our commitment to environmentally friendly packaging, we actively promote the use of reusable packaging alternatives whenever practical. We want to reduce the consumption of single-use plastics by inventing and marketing reusable containers. We do this by giving customers an environmentally friendly option while preserving the freshness and quality of the products.

In addition, we understand that efficient waste collection and recycling facilities are necessary to address plastic contamination. In order to increase recycling rates and make sure that plastic garbage is successfully directed toward recycling facilities, we work with regional communities, non-governmental organizations, and waste management businesses.

Moreover, we firmly believe that change begins with awareness. We engage in public awareness campaigns and educational initiatives to promote responsible plastic consumption and the importance of recycling. By empowering consumers with knowledge, we foster a culture of sustainability and encourage responsible choices.

In addition to our efforts, C.P. Group actively seeks partnerships with like-minded organizations and innovators to drive circular economy initiatives. By collaborating on research and development projects, we strive to identify groundbreaking solutions for plastic waste management and sustainable packaging practices.

Waste Management

Charoen Pokphand Group’s waste management policy commitment centers around reducing waste generation, maximizing resource efficiency, and adopting responsible disposal practices. The business promotes a culture of mindful consumption among stakeholders by turning waste into useful resources using the concepts of the circular economy. To encourage optimal practices and support the development of recycling infrastructure, transparency, and stakeholder participation are given top priority.

The handling of hazardous chemicals and substances at C.P. Group places a high priority on protecting human health, the environment, and following the law. The business implements the strictest safety regulations, does risk analyses, and effectively communicates hazards. To reduce dependency on hazardous substances, emphasis is put on the use of safer substitutes, continued research, and employee training. Chemical waste management practices that are appropriate for storage, transportation, and disposal are guaranteed.

C.P. Group remains dedicated to a sustainable future, where waste and hazardous substances are managed responsibly, not only as a legal obligation but also as a moral imperative. The company's commitment to transparency and continuous improvement underpins its mission to protect the environment, communities, and future generations from the potential impacts of waste and hazardous chemicals.

Further to the above commitments, the Group is also working toward protecting human health and the environment, which is why we have taken a bold stance not to develop new chemicals or products with Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) properties. By refraining from the development of new chemicals or products containing SVHC properties, we aim to prevent potential harm and contribute to a safer and healthier world. This policy applies across all our business units and supply chain partners, reinforcing our dedication to compliance with global chemical regulations and standards.

Waste Management Progress

  • Target and progress for waste and hazardous waste disposal
Total Quantity of Waste

(thousand tons)

Total Quantity of Waste and Food Waste send to Landfill

(thousand tons)

Total Waste By Disposal Methods

Non-hazardous Waste

thousand tons

Hazardous Waste

thousand tons

Promoting Sustainable Waste Management


Sludge Management Using Sludge Digestion System to Generate Electricity

CPF Food and Beverage Company Limited has studied and developed a prototype of a system to digest sludge from the 120 m day wastewater treatment system and uses a sludge digester to generate electricity. The system utilizes sludge as raw material for fuel gas production. This is in line with the circular economy guidelines, which focus on reducing waste disposal through landfill methods and lowering greenhouse gas emissions. Under the objectives of this project, the Company also plans to develop a learning center on the management of sludge from wastewater treatment systems for interested factories in the future.

Natural Capital

Sludge digestion

cubic meters/day

tons co2e per year of GHG reduction

Management Plan for Discarded or Abandoned Fish Gear

The Charoen Pokphand Group is aware of the dangers that abandoned or discarded fishing gear poses to the environment. However, we do not have any operation that involve with the use of fish gear, but we constantly build awareness to communities regarding the problem of discarded or abandoned fish gear.

Food Loss and Food Waste Management

The first line of defense against food loss and waste at C.P. Group is prevention. To guarantee the freshness and quality of our products, our operations and supply chain are supervised by strict food management procedures, which include the right handling, storage, and transportation. We work together with farmers, suppliers, and partners to put ethical production methods into place, encouraging optimum crop output and effective resource usage.

We aggressively engage in food recovery activities in addition to prevention to remove surplus or unsold food from our operations and supply chain. We redistribute eatable food to people in need by collaborating with neighborhood food banks, charities, and community organizations, thereby battling hunger and lowering food waste.

Our Policy Commitment's primary principles are openness and data-driven decision-making. We routinely monitor and evaluate the amount of food waste generated across all of our activities, setting aggressive reduction goals and tracking our results. We hope to encourage industry-wide cooperation and develop a team effort in the battle against food waste by sharing our research and experience.

Food Loss and Food Waste Management Progress

The framework focuses on promoting cooperation with all relevant sectors in order to reuse excess food for maximum benefit and to have zero food waste to landfill by 2030.

Target and progress for FLW reduction in operations

Trends of Food Waste Generation

(thousand tons)

Collaboration to Reduce Food Loss and Food Waste

Our dedication to decreasing food loss and waste is based on collaboration. In order to implement ethical production methods and maximize crop yield, we actively collaborate with farmers, suppliers, and other supply chain partners. This helps to minimize losses right away. Additionally, we work with nearby charities and food banks to recover extra food, redistributing it to those in need, and enhancing food security. Our relationships prioritize transparency and data sharing, which promotes an environment of accountability and allows us to advance collectively in the battle against food waste. Together, we strive for a more sustainable future in which cooperative efforts and responsible consumption build a just and resilient food system for all. Join us in our collective mission to create real change and decrease food waste worldwide.


Overall Food Loss and Food Waste Management Project

Charon Pokphand Group has declared our intent and commitment to reduce food loss, food surplus and food waste from our business operations in Thailand and overseas by forwarding food surplus to vulnerable groups in the society and donating to wildlife under collaborations with relevant government agencies and the private sector. This is in accordance with the Group's policy and in line with SDG 12, which emphasizes on achieving maximum resource efficiency. The overview of the project implementation in 2022 can be summarized as follows:

Volume of Food Surplus that were Donated Covering Operations in all Business Groups Worldwide


tons of food surplus


tons of food surplus


tons of food surplus

Sustainability in Action