Water Stewardship for the Environment Project

18 May 2022

Project Background:

Siam Makro (Public) Co. Ltd. prioritizes managing water and water pollution. The Company considers it a key component in parallel with business operations and the expansion of distribution centers globally. Furthermore, a Makro distribution center consumes, on average, 75 cubic meters per day per branch. Each release, on average, is 60 cubic meters of wastewater into the public drainage system.


The Construction and Resource Management Department recognizes the possibility of efficient water management. Therefore, it has designed and installed a system to support wastewater treatment and an automatic watering system. Treated water is used to water plants in the vicinity of Makro stores. This helps reduce the water usage required to maintain green areas around the Makro store. There is zero water discharge. The system saves as much as 15 cubic meters per day per branch, or 5,400 cubic meters per year per branch. Overall, municipal water usage has been reduced by as much as 459,000 cubic meters. This is measured by comparing the volume prior- and postproject implementation.

Results and Benefits

85 Number of Makro stores with zero discharge

459,000 Cubic meters / year

Volume of municipal water saved