“A Drop of Your Blood to Save Lives” (C.P. Vietnam Corporation)

18 May 2022

Since 2009, C.P. Vietnam has organized internal blood donation activities to create a driving force from the inside out. Such effort has received the cooperation of both Thai and Vietnamese people at the management and employee levels. From that point on, the company has continued to spread good deeds by engaging employee families, customers, suppliers, youths, students and communities to participate in activities. The company conducts its own blood donation activities as well as through Vietnam’s two largest blood donation campaigns, namely Hanh Trinh Do and Le Hoi Xuan Hong Pink Leaf Festival. Furthermore, C.P. Vietnam has also founded the AB+ and Rh- Rare Blood Group Association within the company and in communities in a bid to help each other.

Performance in 2021 :

  • Number of employees participating in the project 3,207 persons
  • Amount of blood received through C.P. Vietnam’s blood donation campaign 54,752 units