Development of Domestic Distribution Bussiness for Sustaiability of Community -Case Study of Om Payod Betta Fish Culture Community Enterprise

10 May 2023

CP ALL Public Company Limited

Om Payod Betta Fish Culture Community Enterprise, where located in Nakorn Pathom province, faced the difficulties of exportation of betta fish to overseas customers according to flight cancellation and the lockdown of foreign countries caused by the pandemic of coronavirus (COVID-19). Each member of this community enterprise lost the monthly income around 50,000 baht due to the international market were sole distribution channel of the community enterprise.

From the problems within the community enterprise, academic staffs and 4th years student of faculty of innovative agricultural management under the support of Government Savings Bank were set up the meetings with the members of the community enterprise to reflect and consider the suitable solutions that were fit with the potential and contexts of the community. Initially, a new domestic brand, “The Sakana Ville” was established to distribute betta fish and its related products. Then, the strategic marketing plan and the suitable characteristics of the products were defined by using marketing tool. A ready to use Indian almond leaves and a betta fish set that utilized as kid’s learning media were developed to increase the utility of betta fish in daily lifestyle. Next, the offline and online distribution channels were developed and implemented to sell the products through website and social media. Finally, the first betta academy in the world were established by community enterprise and its networks for sharing the knowledge about betta fish with the stakeholders.