CP Lotus continues to carry out quality education activities for children every year to sow seeds for the healthy growth of the next generation

10 May 2023

CP Lotus South

CP Lotus continues to invite parents and children from the community where the store is located to participate in various parent-child activities every year.Meanwhile,Lotus together with the store owners to print Children's books as free gifts for learning and reading.Through various activities, we pass the correct values for the next generation to grow healthily.The benevolence of the lotus has been recognized by the government. In the construction of children's park by the Shantou municipal government, the executive chairman of the CP lotus, Mr. Li Wenhai, was specially invited to design the sculpture "gratitude" for grateful mothers, and the children's park was taken as an educational base for children to learn gratitude and filial piety.At the same time, the education department has also compiled picture books for children and provided them to schools and kindergartens to improve children's quality-oriented education.The initiative of CP Lotus to pay attention to children's quality education also touched the stakeholders,the owners of CP Lotus stores, joined in the children's activities , funded the printing of "Chaoshan Culture Reader" and donated it to the local city library, street and town cultural rooms and all primary and middle schools.

From 2017 to 2020, 45 Lotus stores have participated in the project, and more than 3,800 activities have been carried out, involving more than 100,000 children in total.