Makro Recycle plastic waste

09 May 2023

Makro Recycle plastic waste
Siam Makro Public Company Limited.

Makro is committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Changing lifestyles, consumption Towards a circular economy and support sustainable packaging Encourage entrepreneurial customers to use environmentally friendly packaging through the Say Hi to Bio, Say No to Foam project. Cultivate awareness of waste separation. use of resources and volunteering for employees Use plastic more cost-effectively reduce environmental impact

Accepting plastic bottle donations from Makro employees to be used to produce Makro shirts (20 plastic bottles equal 1 shirt) By accepting donations from Makro employees and customers. Donate proceeds from sales of PET bottles to Wat Chak Daeng Community Enterprise Center To hire people in the community to sew robes. Proceeds from the sale of bottles go to an organization that makes sports shirts from recycled fibers for children in the communities surrounding the branch to keep children healthy and the community strong, etc.