The Sarus Crane Reintroduction Project in Buriram Wetlands

09 May 2023

The Sarus Crane Reintroduction Project in Buriram Wetlands
True Corporation PLC

The Sarus cranes are among the 19 species protected by the 1992 Wild Life Protection Act. The bird has been extinct from the wetlands in Thailand for about 50 years. The Zoological Park Organization of Thailand (ZPOT) therefore brought over one couple from Cambodia. The birds were raised in Korat Zoo and released into the wetlands of Buriram in 2011. True has joined ZPOT and other partners to promote the conservation of Sarus Cranes among the public and engaged local communities to support the bird’s habitat.

To raise awareness of the importance of crane conservation. and to promote and support organic farmers which is a food source for the crane to have a good quality of life

Therefore jointly develop the plan with the zoo organization and network partners. bringing the potential of True come and support covers both public relations Design, production, media, channels and technology Developed the Doo Nok application to report the movement of birds.

resulting in the preservation of the cherished crane There are more than 110 Thai Crane Conservation Network youths. expanding the results of organic farming villagers, 148 households, covering an area of 2,701.1 rai, selling more than 1 million baht in rice