Love in Chia Tai, care for employees Project

28 April 2023

Love in Chia Tai, care for employees Project
Chia Tai Co., Ltd. (Inner Mongolia)

One of the major social problems is the lack of time for family leaders to care for their family members. cause conflicts in the family or economic problems that affect their children's education Inability to take care of parents, wives, husbands, children, etc., resulting in a lack of support and understanding of work. The inability to return home for a time caused discord. between husband and wife due to having to devote time to working to support the family.

To take care of the family of employees and improve employee happiness Convey the warmth of the company to employees and their families. Therefore, the importance of "people" must come first. As the ancient Chinese culture said Taking care of the physical and mental health of employees, Therefore, it is an important foundation that will be passed on to the employees' families. It is a strategy for building the corporate culture of Inner Mongolia.

By establishing an employee care center There is a direction to take care of the employees' families. Provide employment and education advice to employees' children. Provide psychological assistance to employees' families. through activities such as taking care of marriage employees maternity Illness and hospitalization and the misfortune death of a family member, One important activity is Monthly visits to employees' families with a psychologist It is a mental remedy to encourage each other not to abandon each other. At the same time extending psychological assistance to employees' homes and providing more care to their families. To create a harmonious family and happy life for employees and their families.

Visiting more than 455 family members of employees continuously Supported 118,000 yuan to help employees in various situations, make employees' family members understand more, and also support the work of employees. Reduce employee conflicts lower turnover rate Increased employee happiness index.