Saline-alkali Land Improvement by Pig Manure Application Project

28 April 2023

Saline-alkali Land Improvement by Pig Manure Application Project
Chia Tai Food Co., Ltd. (Inner Mongolia)

China has a huge area. But in some areas there is a problem of more than 1.5 billion hectares of saline soil (China), President Xi Jinping said. "There should be development and utilization of 500 million rai of saline land, the potential for development and use. This 500 million rai of saline and alkaline land is a "slumbering" treasure and a significant potential arable land resource. If growing saltwater tolerant plants will play an important role in building China's food security.” But past methods of improving saline soils have been costly and take a long time to improve soil quality.

Commitment to corporate social responsibility and opening new paths for the country, Therefore, there is an idea to solve the problem of improving saline soil. and improve seeds suitable for growing plants on saline soils To provide economic benefits to increase productivity, and increase income for farmers.

Through the cooperation of Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, Chia Tai Food has developed and experimented with soil amendment with swine manure. Study and experiment to examine liquid manure and soil. with the cultivation of corn, oats, green beans, and other crops The appropriate crops will be selected and compared with different rates of manure usage. This leads to the conversion of low-yield areas to high-yield areas. using a model Pig manure water source leading to national food security.

Pig manure liquid fertilizer for soil improvement it can increase soil organic matter, and reduce salt damage to crops. The average germination rate of corn sown on the soil improved. By using pig manure for 60% of the average yield of 458 kg/rai, and creating a benefit per rai of 120 yuan, it has ignited a new path to solving the problem of saline land improvement. Increase grain yield and increase income for farmers. Ensures good use of manure and water resources together.