Boxes to Beds

28 April 2023

Boxes to Beds

Nowadays, there have been changes in consumer lifestyle, with more people shopping through online channels. These changes resulted in a growing number of cardboard box waste in households. On the other hand, the Covid-19 pandemic strained hospital resources, leading to the construction of field hospitals. Field hospitals created the need for equipment, leading to the beginning of Boxes to Bed project.

Project Purpose to collect cardboard box waste from store operation and customers' donations into the closed-loop recycling system. Encourage customers and organisations to be involved in waste separation and waste reduction activity. To facilitate the recycling process for customers and make recycling easier to do at the household level

Project benefits
Created 3,500 field hospital beds from recycled cardboard boxes

  • Created 224 sets of tables and chairs from recycled cardboard boxes
  • Reduce the amount of waste to landfill from Lotus’s operation and consumer household
  • Reduce 45,878 tonnes of greenhouse gases
  • Allow Covid-19 patients to receive treatments in field hospitals due to an increase in bed availability